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Food Republic FML
Monday, July 19, 2010

I said I'm not gonna put anymore FMLs on my status anymore... this one deserves its own post.

About a week ago, I went to have lunch at Food Republic. Here's my conversation with the uncle.

Uncle: Hi, how may I help you?
Me: Hi, can i have Set B please?
Uncle: *Takes a look at my ancient phone* ... wow... that's an old phone.
Me: ....yeah...
Uncle: Time to get a new phone.
Me: No! I can't get rid of it. It's not "dead" yet.
Uncle: *Stares*
Me: ... (great... now I get judged even when i'm just buying food)
Uncle: GOOD! Girls like you are hard to come by!
Me: ...Eh...?
Uncle: Are you married?
Me:......... (Do I look that old? Am I already at that age? OMG i can't breathe....)
Uncle: Do you have a boyfriend?
Me:...er.... (I just want my food T_T)
Uncle: Want me to introduce someone to you?
Me: ...no... thanks....
Uncle: Here's your food... oh and i forgot to give you this.

FYI, NO it was NOT his number. it was just a food republic discount card.
So I went back to my table.

Me: Hey, I got a discount card.
Boss: Where did you get it from?
Me: The uncle gave it to me.
Boss: Now be honest, what time are you meeting him tonight?
Me: -_-

That's when I realised. I only appeal to uncles... regardless of race or nationality... FML


8:53 AM

another drunken night
Sunday, February 07, 2010

what? school hasn't officially started so i'm allowed to drink okay.
thank god there are NO unglam pictures to remember this night by.
except that Mariya was there to see it.

it started with a gathering of chinese people at Ke & Amy's place.
(yes we chinese stick together like rice ha-ha-ha let's get over it)

so we bought some beer. only 2 six packs.
cos it's saturdaay evening and all shops are closed except for the coops petrol kiosk.
Amy had some red lable at home which resulted in a mixture of drinks.

btw sweet white wine tastes DISGUSTING
after you have prepped your tastebuds with beer and scotch whisky.

so imagine, 2 six packs, 1 bottle of red lable and 2 bottles of sweet white wine.

ke was damn high by then and tried to put on her make up cos we were going to a bar
(having run out of alcohol)
obviously she totally messed it up
and was looking real weird with one eye in horrible make up
so she decided that she'll just go out like that

somehow in my semi high stage, i managed to convince her otherwise.
somehow we ended up in the bar
FYI the beer was disgusting.
somehow i went out and talked to mariya
yes i still remember what we talked about.

some weird guy came over to talk to us.
i suspect to steal our beer.
anyway the night ended with me puking all over the street okay.
yes again
yes this time in bulle.

i will not drink again.
i feel horrible.

3:49 AM

Back in Singapore
Sunday, December 20, 2009

I'm finally back.
The flight home from switzerland was torturous.
first from Geneva to Frankfurt, which was alright

but the flight from Frankfurt to Bangkok took eons.
first of all, the frankfurter airport is anything but effcient.
by the time i was able to find my terminal, i realised that there was a huge queue before i could get to the gates.

we ended up waitng for many passengers which delayed the flight,
then it started to snow
which cause further dalay.

by the time i got to bangkok, my flight back to singapore had left.
i managed to get onto the next flight to singapore which was supposed to leave at 12:00 am but we started boarding only at 12:30 am. instead of arriving in singapore in the morning i arrived at close to four in the afternoon.

i did end up sitting between two wonderfully pleasant guys on the plane, who were worse off than me as they could only board their transient flights much much later that day.

important thing is that I AM BACK! :D

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10:48 AM

60th Birthday Speech by SHAUN
Tuesday, November 17, 2009

We have this task in school...
to write the 60th birthday speech that a friend gives during our birthday.
so this is what shaun wrote for me....
what he's gonna say on my 60th birthday.

First of all I would like to question one thing, how did this person manage
to reach 60? We all know what her habits were when we were younger. Just like
how people say women age like fine wine I think Zhang aged kinda like that but
with an unexpected zing to it. You know... Kinda like how oysters taste to you
when you first eat it. A funny taste that you try to get rid off at the start
right after daddy told you to try it, then you kinda puke it out and attempt to
use beverage to clean your tongue but after eating it for abit you start to
realise that it actually tastes pretty good then you’d come back for more. It’s
kinda always been like that. I think her husband would agree with me on
I’ve known Zhang since we were like what. Youngsters I think. Back then
she was all tomboy and what not. If you guys met her then you would know she was
kinda the scary type of girl. You know when you were younger there’s always a
girl in class that you wouldn’t wanna piss off cause if you weren’t careful she
might actually bite you. Well... She never was too far away from that mark. We
were schoolmates in elementary school but I only truly got to know her when I
was 16. I remember pretty vividly, she was the first girl that had ever step
foot into my room. I was kinda the hygienic type back then so I didn’t like it
when people dirtied things I owned. She came into my room and sat on my bed. All
while I was on the computer, and then waved me a ‘hi’. Normally I’d get really
angry from the fact that she just sat on my bed, but due to utter shock I bade a
reflex hi. And that was about the first time we truly met. What a surprise visit
that was I still blame Wayne for it.
Like all weird things that has occurred
to her, this speech was prepared for this day when i was 20. Seriously, who
makes a person prepare for a speech almost 40 years in advance. You gotta know
someone like her was behind it.
We’ve not kept in touch constantly over the
years but it’s safe to say that even as such she still remains one of the best
friends I ever had. There is saying I’ve heard somewhere, that a strong
friendship is not based on the frequency of contact between two people but the
total lack of awkwardness when they meet after not seeing each other for a long
I’ve known alot of crazy people in my life. Trust me when I say I know
alot of crazy people. I pretty much escaped from a mental institute myself.
Just take a look among you guys right now. For all those who’ve known her
for a long time. You’d have to have abit of crazy in you. Well, she was the
crazy that made the other crazies look mediocre, bite size even. But even then
she was and still is the crazy that I wouldn’t want absent in my life. Happy
60th birthday Zhang.

3:30 AM

Marriage? Definitely NOT READY
Thursday, October 22, 2009

The bf and I just had a realistic gage of whether we're ready for marriage.
Yes... a little early, I know.

Our friend whom we met in school last semester is here.
His gf is in the same course as me but later than me by 1 semester.
he just causally mentioned that they might be getting married
around the end of next year

judging by the minor heart attack and uncomfortable silence it gave me and the bf...
nope we're definitely not getting married anytime soon.

am I at THAT AGE already??!?

the bf's friend has a son...
who calls him "uncle"

omg the bf is already an uncle.
which makes me AUNTIE.....

i wonder what char is.... wahahaha

7:21 AM

Hilarious Mom (not mine)
Thursday, October 15, 2009

i found this on a funny website...
this is the kinda of mother i envision char would turn into
well not exactly
but her face came to mind when i was reading this LOL

Dear Mrs. X:
In just over a week, you will be my son’s Grade 1 teacher.
He is ever so excited to be under your tutelage. Why, since the last day of
kindergarten, entering your class was all he could talk about. He gleefully
thrust a piece of paper into my hand on that June afternoon, and said, “Here’s a
list of the stuff I need for school next September!”
And I have to admit, I,
too, was excited. I’m a school supplies geek from way back. And so, in early
August, I set out to buy the items you’d listed.
It was on my fourth store
that the realization began to sink in.
You’re a crafty bitch, aren’t
This list was a thinly disguised test. Could I find the items, exactly
as you’d prescribed? Because if not, my son would be That Kid, the one with the
Problem Mother, Who Can’t Follow Directions.
For example, the glue sticks you
requested. In the 40 gram size. Three of the little buggers. (What kind of
massive, sticky project you’ve got planned for the first day of school that
would require the students to bring all this glue, I cannot imagine.) But the 40
gram size doesn’t come in a convenient 3-pack. The /30 /gram size does. But
clearly, those would be wildly inappropriate. So I got the individually priced
40’s, as per your instructions.
Another bit of fun was your request for 2
packs of 8 Crayola crayons (basic colors). The 24 packs, with their 24
/different /colors, sat there, on sale. I could have purchased /three/ of the 24
packs for the price I had to pay for the 8 packs. (Clearly, you’ll not be
teaching the youngsters any sort of economics lessons this year.) Even the
cashier looked at me, as if to say, “Pardon me, ma’am, but are you slow?” as I
purchased these non-bargain crayons. But that’s what the list said. And I was
committed to following the list.
But the last item, well, now, you saved your
malice up for that one, didn’t you? “8 mm ruled notebooks”, you asked for.
Simple enough. Except the standard size is /seven /millimetres. One. Millimetre.
Difference. Do you realize, Mrs. X., exactly how infinitesimal the difference
between 7 mm ruling and 8 mm ruling is? Pretty small, I assure you. The
thickness of a fingernail, approximately. But that millimetre, that small bit of
nothingness, made me drive to four different stores, over the course of three
sweaty August hours. And when I finally, finally found the last remaining 8 mm
notebooks, I took no pleasure in my victory. I merely shifted my focus. To you,
Mrs. X.
You wanna dance, lady? Let’s dance.
Because I am just batshit
crazy enough to play your games. And, in turn, come up with some of my
On show and share day, my son will be bringing the video of his birth.
It will be labelled, “Ben’s First Puppy.” Enjoy.
He will be given a list of
words, and daily, he will ask you what they mean. Words such as, “pedophile”,
“anti-semite”, and “skank”. Good luck with those.
At some point, you will
attempt to teach him mathematics. And I’m quite sure that, like most of your
ilk, you will require my son to “show his work”. And he will.
interpretive dance.
Because that is who you’ve chosen to tangle with, toots.
A stay at home mom who is not entirely balanced, and has altogether too much
time on her hands. But is, most certainly, A Mother Who Can Follow

11:55 AM

bleh bleh bleh
Wednesday, September 30, 2009

it's been long since i last blogged.
i was sick and had SO much work.

which cause my results to deteriorate
you would not believe

but no i'm not failing....
it's just that my average is almost exactly 2 points lower than last year

but all is not lost....
i have to come to terms with that...

i blame the singapore educational system...
it has turned me this way~!!!

somid term break is coming up
i have no money and the bf is not even free to go anywhere...

1:48 AM