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Friday, June 20, 2008

As som of you know,
i've bought my lappie.
An acer travelmate 6292
i used to call it fugly.
now i'm fine with it.
i guess it's like giving birth to an ugly child.
you still have to love him somehow.... JK

A conversation with char:
Me: I need to buy a keyboard condom.
Char: So that your fugly laptop won't have fugly babies?
Me: It's so fugly that other laptops won't even have sex with it!

I know that everyone out there is like
"But zhang... beauty is only skin deep! it's INNER beauty that really counts!"

i've PIMPED my desktop!
my lappie is pretty inside now.

I even installed a rainlendar to remind me of stuff
and i'm using docks cos it's so much prettier.
BTW i named it maximillian
so now i love maximillian
maxi and i are very happy together.
it'll be a pleasant relationship.

3:49 AM

Anigao Girls
Friday, June 06, 2008

i'm pretty sure some of you know what Anigao Girls are
in case you don't
you will now.
basically someone in japan has decided that
since there are so many fanboys out there
lusting after 2D anime/manga girls
they could therefore make a load of cash by
having chicks dress up as manga characters
and allowing menfolk to take pictures of them for a certain amount of money
it wouldn't be such a big deal
except these girls wear like... an anime girl mask.
yeah so they look like a
2d/3d hybrid.

besides... their heads are kinda big...
like lollipop people.
and i assume they have to be in character
an observation i made from the videos...
well you know how anime girls are
when thet're happy
it's not just happiness the show
they EXUDE a concentrated fog of estaticism...

Hey do do you know it's not like a skinny guy in there?
cos ive seen some pictures...
and some girls has suspiciously impressive looking abs.
but whatever works for you guys!
i'm not here to judge! :D


8:47 AM

Thursday, June 05, 2008

i just rolled out of bed at 7 pm.
i had the worst possible night.
for some reason i felt really really cold.
and that was combined withan entired body ache
(from dance)
and a headache.
my airconditioner was even on
i wore socks and the longest sleeping gown i could find to bed.

spend the whole night arguing with my headache.

kept waking up from the bloody pains.
at 5 am i couldn't stand it anymore so i took a hot shower.
it felt great
until i came out again

so i ambled to the kitchen.
then i remembered that my mom NEVER EVER buys junk food
so i ambled back to my bed and slept again.
i sweat through my night gown
but it was still cold.
and i didn't have a fever

mom came in at about 9 am.
she scolded me
of course
but they let me sleep until 7.
now i feel... better
not normal
but better.


4:08 AM