FYI this picture was taken from my balcony
which should by right show montreux the lake and the hills...
but yeah.....
Laura on the phone and Kate being the lady as always
The view from the inside of the funicular
believe it or not we were on our way to church.
we only found a catholic church on of third try.
after visiting one anglican and one ...i forgot what....
so beautiful and so tiring
"How the hell do we get up there?!"
Kate taking a drink from a fountain...
we didn't even know whether it was drinking water...
she said that it was good and she's not sick yet so....
believe it or not.,.... the whole thing is made of sugar!
saw the pastry chef make it in some presentation thing
it's so cool
"what kinda walking pose is that dominic?!"
"you don't look back when you walk!"
so i reached lausanne on saturday night
when i came out of the airport i saw that the glion booth was still open
so i took it to school instead of hotel.
(still had to pay T_T)
yeah so we checked in and like 5 mins after i opened the door
cynthia came and invited me to the local club
black pearl
hung out till like 4 am.
met loads of nice people
and came back.
this is a bloody party school lol.
been dating for exactly 2 years.
been together for exactly 1 year and 11 months.
and now i have to go away :(
no one to dance funny dances for me anymore
say funny things.
warm my nose when it's cold
make inappropriate jokes when my friends are around
sing "low" to me
zyun is upset :(