hmmm i never introduced my friends.

here's Pat the Nutcracker. he's 5 years old, as you can count from his teeth and he doesn't like it when you stroke his hair. he's really mature though
and terribly charming. he was born in switzerland, his first love was a young birch tree, he told me. but now he's fallen in love with sillicon.
He's not a catholic nor christian cos he has a harem of 10 young wives: christina, debra, anna-lina, janice, dolly, kimberly, jenny, susan, pandora and francesca.

at night, they come out and dance
His favourite is Debra cos she's the hippest and the most fun.
Dolly is divorced with a child so he also has a step daughter, Mindy.
his least favourite is anna-lina cos she's real bossy and always wears clothes that are too revealing. he thinks that that's not lady-like.
he like japanese girls as well, therefore jenny.
Margaret Blue Pig frowns upon that. she strongly believes in monogamy. but she's secretly in love with Pat too and cries herself to sleep every other night because she doesn't have the courage to confess her love for him.
Perbo Sheep also has a dillemma. he has a secret affair with kimberly. cos she reminds him of little bo peep. whom he had lost in a tragic accident some time ago.
oooh enrichment week just began. today was the second day.
not as awesome as my first.
but heck there's no school.
tuesday was awesome!
i signed up for snowboarding and even though it was only in snow city where's there's one slope. there course was great. i'm so inspired to learn snowborading despite the fact that i spent most of my time on my fleshy behinds.
at this point of time i would like to thank god for blessing everyone of us with an arse.
yeah after that i returned to school for my hip hop session and again it was really fun. i pity all the hip hop dancers who didn't go for the workshop cos i found it very useful.
it rekindled my love for reggae which now i'm even more tempted to learn. in fact i think it's my "style". like how stan's "style" is pop locking. i love reggae.
i only remember learning a bit once 2 years ago. aaaah how i miss those days.
and now i'm achy all over. i had to peel myself from mybed this morning cos of my aches. but it was so worth it!!!
i'm looking forward to my Tshirt printing class.
i've been so lazy latelybut i've finally found a reason to blog. hahayes due to the great singapore sale. *gleeful*initially i went everywhere where a SALE sign could be seen.
like the time after the busking at Raffle's Place.
Levi's had an "up to 60% Sale" so we went in.
then wenhao asked me the crucial question
Would you wear this after you buy it?
"uhm....... that's a very interesting question"
i think he smacked me.
but i don't remember ...
maybe he shouldn't have hit me so hard...
cos my loyal nokia 8200 has gone insane.
well dad just came back and bout me a nokia 7373! :D:D:D a bimbo phone! i've been lusting after it ever since it came out.... heeeeeh....
and we also bought battery for my camera so i can finally upload ridiculous pictures again.yep.
oooh and i also bought loads of books today. cos kinokuniya had a 20% sale so my mom told us to go crazy.
i bought:
Hitler's Mein Kampf. English Version.
The Time Traveller's Wife
The 5 People You'll Meet in Heaven
and Generation T 108 ways to transform a T shirt.
oooh and pretty shoes from Tinkertoes.... which means..."pretty shoes to keep at home"

FYI: my green shoes aren't that green. they look almost blackish...
and i bought pretty Bras.... but i'm not gonna show pictures... :D