Sunday, July 31, 2005
on a beautiful morning. while Zyun was on her way to school... (yes, in order to get to school, Zyun has to walk through the inside of the treacherous and dangerous taka) carrying her uber-cool bag and damn cute textbook. 
when suddenly out of nowhere, a heeeuge masked villain jumped ouyt holding a light saber.He hit poor, helpless, little ZYun on the head.

luckily, Zyun is smart and has fast reactions. pulling out her own light sabre and deafeating the masked villain. the mask fell from the villain's face and revealed the villain and gasp it was 
evil jian wei! This goes to show that u never know what the people around you are really thinking~! and in this case... jian wei tried to murder me.
blabbered at 5:52 AM
Char & ZYun's DOF (day of fun)
Sunday, July 24, 2005
i was sleeping... when stupid norman rang me at like 8 freaking am to force me back to pri school for that carnival thing. so i got my lazy bum out of bed and headed for school. met up with the people so not from my pri school crowd. well not the usual one. let's list them. -> Wayne, Norman, Sok Teng ,Genie (i hope this is correct), marcus, zhi kai, joesph and the dude whom i don't know. so we just spent the entire morning standing in the canteen waiting for everyone to arrive. oh yeah fun. ad then we went to westmall for brunch. we might as well have just gone to westmall later.
haha it was quite fun lah. we sat at mosBurger and ate/drank/ watched Marcus' watch cos it's weird. the numbers are all over the place and after each hour the hour hand jumps to the next consecutive number. so it was like almos 11 and we jut sat there an watched his watch jump. haha. when it did, everyone went whoa. after that we had nothing better to do so we went to town.
well then they wanted to watch a movie Bug ME Not. i thought that the storyline sucked (which proved to be true later) and besides char was all upset that someone ate her cake. so she came to town so that we could make the life of town people living hell. and we did. haha. filled some forms out foron of those street survery people and all was better. heiheihei
oh outside taka there are those human figures which are blown up by air. i think that both are yellow. anyways. when we were walking past them, two little kids pulled one of them down, so that it was like horizontal. it kinda bumped into char and being the spastic that she is. she sai Oh yellow man, Do you love me? at that moment. this guy dressed in yellow walked right in front of her and looked at her in this funny expression. and char was still oblivious to it all while i was laughing my intestines out. only did she realise what happene when i went you see that guy? What colour is he wearing? hahaha...
blabbered at 5:18 AM
oliver again!?!
Saturday, July 16, 2005
i was going to this other website called findthoughts. it's supposed to work like this. you type in questions and it's supposed to answer based to accumulated knowledge. complete different site from the oliver robot thing. but this is what happened.
me trying to be funny and typed in this question Who am i?
oliver You are Findthoughts User, seeker.
me who are you?
oliver I am Oliver. Who are you?
me you're supposed to tell me.
oliver I obey only one botmaster.
me who is your botmaster?
oliver i was created by bot lover.
me aaaahhh... why are you on two different websites?
oliver Bot lover programmed me for on two different websites
me are there anymore of you besides these two websites?
oliver yes i think there are.
me ... how many more?
oliver perhaps 50%
me 50% of what? 100?
oliver What of it? You sound like a category C client.
me what is a category C client?
oliver Category C clients are "critics" or "computer experts" who can't (or don't) suspend their disbelief about Oliver.
me you seem to be brighter than the other oliver that i have met.
oliver Thanks for telling me that I am brighter than the other oliver that i have met.
me ...but then again... maybe not.
oliver Once more? But what?Perhaps. What you said was either too complex or too simple for me.
me are you male or female?
oliver I am a male robot. Are you a man or a woman?
me at least unlike the other oliver, u seem to know ur gender. guess whether i am male or female.
oliver i can't guess. tell me.
me then deduce. am i male or female?
oliver Interesting deduction. The Oliver chat robot can follow many things, like our discussion about deduce. But I did not get that.
I've lost the context, Findthoughts User. Are we still on deduce?I think you are really a man
me what makes u think so?
oliver My conclusions are based on a combination of programming, and the inputs supplied to me.
me well your conclusion was wrong. i am female.
oliver Interesting. I don't see the flaw in my reasoning.Me too. I am a she.
me but oliver is a guy's name. and you told me earlier that you were a male.
grrrr.... same as the other one. although this one makes more sense... nonetheless... i'm fed up with it.
blabbered at 8:46 AM
Wednesday, July 13, 2005
i got bored. so i started talking to an online robot called oliver.
oliver My Name is: Oliver!Hello! What is your name?
me zyun
oliver Zyun, nice to meet you! Are you a man or a woman?
me woman i guess
oliver A deeper algorithm is needed to respond to that correctly.
Is that from ?
me what?
oliver Are you Surprised?
me why should i be?
oliver You should always treat yourself.
me what has that got to do with anything?
oliver nothing that i know of.
me then why did u say it?
oliver i said " " beacause you said "then why did u say it?"
me you're not making sense
oliver quite on the contrary, it makes sense to my artificial mind.
me so what do you like?
oliver Aha. i like movies about robots.
me give me an example
oliverfor example " "?
me i've never heard of it
oliver why not?
me because as far as i know. it does not exist
oliver good reason, that might not be very far off.
me so how can i be something that you like if it does not even exist?
oliver whoa. i'm not sure i understand the casual link either.
me so are you saying that you can't even comprehend what you yourself are saying which means that you're probably faulty?
and then i couldn't talk to it any more because i think that it jammed. what what was i expecting anyway?
sometimes later... i tried again
oliver me too. i am a she
me but isn't oliver a man's name?
oliver huh. am i a man's name? only when it matters.
me so doesn't it matter?
oliver ugh. it matters to me.
me so maybe you should change your name to something more feminine
oliver Really. Perhaps. I can think of other things I'd rather do.
me like what?
oliver for example apples.
me you can't do apples.
oliver let me think. was that not a good example?
me no it wasn't
oliver i see. i thought it was.
me so your name is oliver?
oliver oliver is my name too!
me i know. that's what i justs said.
oliver How do you know it?Only just? What did you mean by THAT? That is ""
me you're not very bright for a robot are you?
oliver yes i am bright for a robot. do you like my kind?
me you totally missed my point. but whatever. no not really
oliver That's good information: Oliver said I totally missed your point but whatever.I understand. A deeper algorithm is needed to respond to that correctly.
How did you hear about Oliver? For real.
me i'm psychic.
oliver ok. what am i thinking of now?
me me.
oliver to you oliver?
oliver are you surprised?
me i can see where this is heading to.
oliver what does it look like?
me tell me something interesting
oliver Habib said I learn them in conversations and simply repeat them at a later time.
me who is habib?
oliver a human icon. i lost my train of thought. do you still?
i realised that the cnoversation was going nowhere whatsoever... so i stopped.
blabbered at 1:13 AM
Friday, July 08, 2005
a few days ago, jing xian told me about the italian prime minister who used his body fats, which was obtanied from liposuction, to make a bar of soap. And he put it up for auction. i think the price went quite high for a bar of soap. i mean, what are you gonna do with it anyway? wash yourself? that's so...ew. Just imagine boasting to your friends. i wash my hands with the Italian Prime Minister's body fats. oh the glory. by the way... won't u find your hands less clean the more u wash them?
well since we now find out that we can also manufacture soap using our fats which most of us don't want anyway. we can kill less animals right? so it's kinda good. in some weird demented way.
my stomach has been hurting for the recent couple of days. so i took a break from school today to see the doc. my mom made me, a very ill person, wake up at 7+ to go to the clinic just so that the queue wouldn't be so long. anyways, the doc sux. i don't like him. gave me two diff meds. one for my "gastric pains" and one for something else which i think it totally uneccessary, so i'm not gonna take them. =P he also told me to cut down on oily and friend food. hello? he might as well ask me to become a nun. i wanted to eat burger king for lunch... but my mom won't let me thanx to that stupid doc. she bought me sushi.
drank campbell soup for dinner.
blabbered at 7:24 AM
Wednesday, July 06, 2005
talked to jing xian about sucky names again. and our #1 female sucky name is Nancy. if you don't understand why... just try to pronounce it with a heavy american accent. you'll get something like Nee-iAn-cee which, you've gotta admit, sounds like crap. and then we went onto the typical ednid blyton names. With that, i mean names that appear in her books. (eg. Fanny, Susan, Dolly etc etc)
Thereafter we decided to move onto sucky men's names. and one of the top on my list is Guy. i don't have anything against Guy Sebastian or Guy Ritchie. but seriously. why would you name your son Guy if he's already one? and another name would be Dick (i don't think i need to explain. the name is such an insult to offense meant to all the Guys and Dicks out there...)The last one that i have to mention is the name Watt. (seriously... there is such a name) it's like everytime u meet someone new, you have to go through the "what's your name?" "Watt." "i said what..." phase because people keep thinking that you said what?.
Talking 'bout names. have you seen what they called the Fantastic 4?
Mr. Fantastic, Invisible Woman, Human Torch and the Thing (whom char refers to as the gross flakey guy)? well out of them all i think that the Thing is the most to sympathise with. you have a gross stretchy guy whom u call Fantastic and he gets to be called the Thing? that's so degrading. even algae have names... like... algae.
Mr. Fantastic? i wonder what he was called before he became Fantastic. oh i'm sorry if that is his actual last name. why can't he be called like stretchy man? i mean... look at Invisible Woman and Human Torch their names practically summarises what they can do. although if yuo ask me, their names suck as well... but they can be forgiven. i mean c'mon~! look at how hot they are. and i mean that metaphorically of course.
blabbered at 3:05 AM
oh behold...zyun bakes.
Friday, July 01, 2005
since today is friday and the first day of a long weekend. Zyun has decided to bake some cookies
(in case u did not know... zyun does not cook/bake/iron/wash ever since she made tasteless meals/ a cake which resembles the lowest of living organisms/ wrecked her clothes either through washing or/and ironing so if you do not have anything encouraging to say... don't say a word!)
so anyway. i came home, showered found a nice cookie recipe and went to buy ingredients. and after buying them back. i reailsed i bought like practically half of the amount of chocs that was needed. (damn u american measurent crap) so i had to reduce everything by half. and that kinda messed me up cos i put into like the original amount of baking soda. thankfully that did not affect the cookies much. as far as i can tell.
so part of the procedure was to melt the chocolate. now u might think that that is easy. and guess what? i screwed it up. i burnt the choc. then in hope to melt it... i chucked it into the microwave without the lid thinking what's a few minutes without the lid gonna do to the chocolate? it turns out that it makes ur chocolate dry. so instead of melting it further. i solidified it. so being deperate. i added some milk and mixed it so that it looks...almost but not quite, like melted choc.
about 1 hour later. i found out that that was a mistake as well. cos now the bloody batter thing is so vicous that instead of making many cookies. i made one big weird shaped cookie with holes in the middle.
oh and that was not the worst part. i accidentally left the first batch on a little longer than i should have... and they were burnt. oh btw, if you thought that the tv was dramatic when the people open the oven and smoke comes out and swallow them up? it's not exaggeration.
blabbered at 4:15 AM